FARBOS 2008 S.L.

Cultivo de otros árboles y arbustos frutales y frutos secos

sin logotipo

Campllong - Gironés (Girona - Cataluña)

FARBOS 2008 S.L.

Cultivos perennes

Productos y servicios

Producción agrícola.

Cultivo de otros árboles y arbustos frutales y frutos secos
Producción agrícola combinada con la producción ganadera
Cultivo de otros árboles y arbustos frutales y frutos secos
Producción agrícola combinada con la producción ganadera
Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
Mixed Farming
The company, with registered head office located in Campllong, Spain, is engaged in the cultivation and production of fruits and vegetables. It handles a full line of organic produce. The company also sells and repackages its products. The company's other products include raspberries, and organic fruits; vegetables, comprising broccoli, iceberg lettuce, truffles, staple items, and organic vegetables; and local produce and spices, such as black pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, garlic, and ginger. The company serves foodservice and retail distribution markets. It also offers its products through specialty retail shops, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, and cruise ships, as well as online stores. It was incorporated in 1995.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 69060 - CAMPLLONG (Girona)

Tlf: +34 972464424
Fax: +34 972464426

Web: www.blaufruit.com